A. A local League's mentor or liaison can lend the needed helping hand to overcome obstacles or to further the League's whole being in ways that are meaningful to that local League

B. Some of the areas where the liaison can provide support are:

1. Membership

a. How to keep the official membership roster current

b. How to use the roster to full advantage

c. How to plan a Membership Retention and Recruitment Policy

d. How to carry out the MRRP (Membership Retention and Recruitment Policy)

e. Understand of LWVUS, MD, Local and NCA (if applicable) positions

2. Provide Guidance to the Board

a. How to fundraise including use of resources on LWVUS website

b. How to make the website work for the local League

c. Keeping the Board informed about activities of LWVUS and LWVMD

d. How to be visible

e. Role of the treasurer, make sure they are filing the 990E 

f. Understanding their incorporation status

g. What should go into minutes

h. How to a local study

i. How to conduct a consensus meeting

3. Provide guidance related to Voter Service including how to conduct forums and debates

4. Provide guidance about what should go in newsletters and who should receive them.

5. Suggest other publications that might increase their visibility in the community such as Guides to Elected Officials or bookmarks with information about their League.

II. Tips for Liaisons:

A. Be available for consultation when needed. Contact LL president stressing your availability.

B. Become acquainted with the LL and the community it serves. Learn as much as possible of its past problems, contributions, and the leadership that has shaped it in order to understand why it functions as it does.

C. Maintain a close contact with the LL president. Make sure she/he knows of approaching state deadlines and has up-to-date and accurate information. Read the local newsletter and minutes monthly. Offer assistance in areas where it appears to be needed or contact another Board member who can help. Don't be afraid to say "I don't know" but know where to go to get answers.

D. Attend at least one meeting, other than a board meeting, during the year. A meeting on Program, unit or general, is a good way to learn how well the League is functioning. Contact the president before your visit.

E. There is no single blueprint for the liaison. Local Leagues differ. Leadership differs. The consultant should recognize these differences and adjust her approach accordingly. The role is not to provide ready-made answers but to make suggestions to help the League develop its own ideas, as long as they are within the framework of the basic principles and procedures of LWVMD.

F. Flexibility and adaptability are important. Consider the circumstances relating to the League. What is considered to be standard operating procedure in one League may be impossible or unnecessary in another. Refrain from saying "In my League ...".

G. It can be unwise to attend too many meetings. Too frequent visits may foster too much dependence on the consultant or be a source of annoyance if the League thinks the consultant is watching its every move.

H. It can be unwise to attend too many meetings. Too frequent visits may foster too much dependence on the consultant or be a source of annoyance if the League thinks the consultant is watching its every move.

I. Stress the importance of a strong, cohesive statewide and national League. Try to de-emphasize the "we-they" syndrome (we as the LL and they as the LWVMD board). Also, stress that the LEAGUE has three levels (local, state and national) that work together to further the mission of education and advocacy.

J. An email or call to the MLD or Membership Director should follow a visit. Reports of specific problems of your assigned League are very helpful. State workshops are frequently based on needs of LLs.

K. Consider writing an email to the LL president after a visit to your LL. It gives you the chance to reinforce suggestions, or it might provide an opportunity to mention ideas about how to improve or change procedures rather than appear critical or "pushy" at the visit.

L. MAL Units are assigned an advisor who has additional duties and helps guide them to achieve LL status.